Some new synthetic muds, based on mineral oils or glycerin, and friction-reducing additives for water base muds have helped improve PDC bit penetration rates compared with that in typical water based muds.

PDC bits generally work better in oil based muds than in water based muds. Oil-based muds, however, are not viable options in many areas because of environmental regulations and the high cost of disposal or treatment. As a result, many operators may use water based muds.

General Electric introduced PDC in 1973. Bits with PDC cutters became commercially available the following year.

The U.S., by contrast, has many areas in which rig day rates are relatively low, especially onshore. That makes the economics of running PDC bits less favorable.

In one case, Exeter Drilling Corp. and Hughes Christensen formed an alliance to design a PDC bit that would drill wells in the Denver-Julesberg basin of the Rocky Mountain region fast but with reduced pump pressure. They codeveloped a 77/ 8-in. multiport PDC bit that drilled more than 75,000 ft without repair, averaging 103.2 ft/hr.

Improvements in PDC bit stability, hydraulics, and cutter design have contributed to increased footage per bit in recent years. Roller cone bits also have shown improvement in performance.

Furthermore, the cost of tungsten carbide, used in the stud that holds the diamond, has increased during the past few years.

Much of the knowledge on how to run PDC bits properly flowed from Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd.'s research on torque and vibration problems, Amoco's antiwhirl developments, and work by other major oil companies and service companies.


Economic success of the first PDC bits stemmed from high operating costs for the rig and use in very select geological intervals. In the early 1980s, PDC bits underwent true engineering to suit specific field applications.

Some companies use cutter force balancing, bit asymmetry, gauge design, bit profile, cutter configuration, and cutter layout to eliminate whirl. Other manufacturers control whirl through engineered cutter placement designed to create a net imbalance force, pushing against the borehole wall, to create a stable rotating condition.

The bottom hole pattern (left) of a whirling PDC bit has an irregular pattern, whereas the bottom hole pattern (right) of an antiwhirl PDC bit shows smooth drilling.

There is no single solution to hydraulics problems at the bit. Each company has a slightly different technical perspective. The goal is to clean the bit effectively but not to erode it with mud flow through nozzles.

Improvements in ROP and bit life allow PDC bits to drill harder formations, previously thought drillable only by rock bits or tungsten carbide insert bits.

What's more, design improvements have allowed PDC bits to drill harder formations and soft formations with hard stringers, previously thought to be drillable only by roller cone bits.

Designing and building a new bit has become very fast, mainly because of advances in CAD/CAM and engineering practices. PDC bits have become a specialty tool, not a commodity that can be bought in large number in advance of need.

They also can be used in low strength, poorly compacted, nonabrasive, shallow sediments, precipitates, and evaporites -- for example, salts, anhydrites, marls, and chalk -- and in moderately strong, somewhat abrasive and ductile formations such as silty claystone, siliceous shales, porous carbonates, and anhydrites.

The rock strength analysis programs help an operator better determine PDC drillable intervals, make the optimum bit selection, and select appropriate drilling parameters. Such programs have been instrumental in expanding the number of formations drillable by PDC bits.

Recent advances in metallurgy have allowed use of various PDC cutter geometries. These cutters are less susceptible to breakage and can withstand stress better.

PDC bit design improvements are driven by research, good engineering practices (finite element analysis, accurate analysis of dull bit grading, rock strength analysis, and the like), and fierce competition from other PDC bit manufacturers and the rock bit industry.

Some operators and manufacturers prefer not to take part in such formal agreements because of the speed with which PDC bits undergo improvements. Bits often are left out of many drilling alliance agreements between operators and service companies.

Improvements in computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), along with improvements in dull bit grading, allowed optimization of bit design for specific applications.

Many formations in the U.S. are not well suited to PDC bits. Extremely hard rock and soft formations with hard stringers can often be drilled more economically with roller cone bits than with PDC bits.

Each manufacturer has a slightly different design concept, and no one design seems to stop or prevent whirl in all situations.

Much of this focus has been on making the diamond layer more abrasion resistant and reducing the stress behind the diamond layer. The bond between diamond layer and tungsten carbide stud is critical for a PDC bit.

This diamond/tungsten carbide interface can be made successfully with various geometrical shapes, instead of conventional flat surfaces, to reduce stress on the diamond face during drilling. As these premium cutters wear, there is more diamond remaining on the stud to continue cutting. This nonplanar geometry has significantly lengthened cutter life downhole.

BP ran a 171/ 2-in. Hycalog PDC bit on the BA-X14 well in Colombia's Cusiana field, where offset well BA-X11 on the same drilling pad required two PDC bits, one from Hycalog and one from another manufacturer, for the same interval

The new bit drilled 1,338 ft in 145.8 rotating hr for an average ROP of 9.2 ft/hr. The two bits run in the offset well drilled a total 1,017 ft at an average ROP of 6.3 ft/hr.

Hughes Christensen has formed many successful alliances with operators. Many of such alliances focus on a technical objective.

Although most PDC still comes from General Electric and De Beers, several smaller companies have begun making high quality diamond wafers. This increased competition has not reduced cutter cost, mainly because PDC manufacturing is an expensive, capital intensive process.

Exeter received proprietary rights to the bit, and Hughes Christensen developed a new bit it could manufacture for costs similar to that of old style bits.

PDC bits usually have applications when long on-bottom times are important, oil-based muds are used, or water-based muds are used in nonhydrating formations. PDC bits also are advantageous for high rotational speed drilling, such as with a turbine or mud motor, or for drilling deviated hole sections.

At about $10,000-150,000 apiece, PDC bits generally cost five to 15 times more than roller cone bits. But a PDC bit run in the proper application can substantially lower total drilling costs despite the higher initial expense.

As PDC bit use has become more widespread, directional drillers and drilling engineers have become more familiar with the proper operational parameters to run a PDC bit successfully in a given formation. Those parameters include weight on bit, mud pressure, flow rate, and rotational speed.

These bits, most of which use PDC cutters, generally drill the more critical, expensive wells around the world. Diamond bits account for almost one third of the world bit market, and sales exceed $200 million/year, the U.S. Department of Energy reports.

Historically, two factors have been mainly responsible for limiting the operating range and economics of running PDC bits: shortened life because of cutter fracture and slower ROP because of inadequate cutter cleaning.

About 75% of the PDC bit market lies outside the U.S., say Diamond Products International Inc. and Security DBS. Many non-U.S. areas have relatively soft formations or are expensive to drill because of high rig day rates, remote or offshore locations, or deep wells. Those factors present favorable economics for PDC bit use.

Sources such as service companies, operators, vendors, and investment bankers use various methods to gauge the success and growth of PDC bits in the drilling industry. Some market analyses include the number of bits sold or purchased, footage drilled per bit, or bit revenue.

Bit whirl can be caused by cutter/ rock interaction forces and things such as formation characteristics and undesirable bottom hole assembly motions. Conventional PDC bit technology provides little resistance to whirl and may reinforce whirl once it starts.

The typical product life is about 2 years, and the number of variants of a particular design are increasing rapidly.

Hughes Christensen(27064 bytes) predicts diamond bits will account for almost 25% of world footage drilled by 1997. About 10 years ago, PDC bits had only 10% of the market.

Furthermore, operators in the U.S. still drill many shallow wells. So the ability to reduce the number of trips or trip time is not as significant as in deeper wells.

PDC bits are less effective in hard, cemented abrasive sandstones, hard dolomites, chert, and granites.

Several service companies and operators use rock strength analysis computer programs to determine the hardness of formations in a well. These computer models use well log analysis techniques and empirical formulas to determine the confined compressive strength of formations to be drilled.

If the price premium for a PDC bit is less than the value of the saved drilling and tripping time, the PDC bit will be the most economic choice.

Diamond is 10 times harder than steel and twice as hard as tungsten carbide. Diamond also is the most wear resistant material known. It has a wear resistance about 10 times that of tungsten carbide. Diamond, however, is brittle and susceptible to impact damage.

PDC cutters consist of a layer of bonded diamond particles backed up by a thicker layer of tungsten carbide.

For example, Enron Oil & Gas Co. and Diamond Products International have such an agreement in which Enron helped design a new PDC bit for an area in the Gulf of Mexico where PDC bits have been used successfully for years. Although previous PDC bits worked well in the area, changes in hydraulics design, cutter layout, and blade spiraling increased penetration rates 20-30%.

Operators and bit manufacturers have developed many ways to prevent bit whirl and overcome or minimize it when it shows up.

Advances in metallurgy, hy- draulics, and cutter geometry have not cut the cost of the bits. Rather, they have allowed PDC bits to drill longer or more effectively in a greater number of formations. Another key advantage of these design improvements is the ability of PDC bits to withstand hard formation stringers.

For example, BP Exploration Co. (Colombia) Ltd. used only one newly designed PDC bit in place of two other PDC bits to drill an interval in a well in Colombia. It saved $419,000 because of the faster ROP and one less bit trip.

Larger hole sizes are generally thought uneconomic for PDC bits because large holes are typically shallow and easily drilled by roller cone bits. The high cost to manufacture such large PDC bits usually is not justified. One operator in South America, however, used recently 26-in. PDC bits with success.

Today's PDC bits drill about 1 1/ 2 times faster than comparable PDC bits in use only 2 years ago. The polycrystalline diamond now used is about twice as abrasion resistant as the diamond used 2 years ago. Many of these types of improvements are considered fine tuning or evolutionary changes in design.

Another relatively recent advance is the use of polished diamond cutters. The polished PDC surface has a significantly lower coefficient of friction, preventing cuttings from building up on the cutter surface.

The technology to minimize downhole vibrations has yielded longer bit life, faster penetration rates, and reduced drilling costs.

If peculiar wear is found, that information can be used to alter the design of the next bit. Most manufacturers can then redesign and build the new bit and have it on location almost anywhere in the world within a couple of weeks.

PDC bits historically have found applications in relatively deep or expensive wells and in soft to medium hard formations. In these wells, the longer bit life, compared with roller cone bits, usually offsets the greater bit cost. ROP ultimately determines the economics of the bit run.


Bit whirl patterns can cause the PDC cutters diamond table to chip or spall, accelerating wear and decreasing bit life.


Some of General Electric's original PDC patents expired during the past few years, opening the market to many small PDC manufacturers.

Some of today's PDC bits can drill entire intervals that required two to three PDC bits or five to 10 roller cone bits only a few years ago. The big advantage comes in reducing the number of bit trips and increasing penetration rates, especially for deep wells or those with high rig costs.

Commercial practical limits for PDC bit sizes have been 31/ 2-in. and 171/ 2-in. diameters. These limits are due mainly to economics, not technology.

Many operators still prefer to choose the bit themselves, usually with assistance from the manufacturer. Manufacturers agree that the most prudent method is to choose a bit based on the interval to be drilled, not on purchase agreements or inventory on hand.

During whirl, the instantaneous center of rotation of the bit changes, instead of staying in line with the borehole center. Cutters can move laterally and even backwards relative to the local rock surface.

The biggest change in the PDC bit industry was identification of bit instability, or bit whirl, by Amoco and the subsequent antiwhirl bit designs. Basically, bit whirl is any deviation of bit rotation from the bit's geometric center.

The last true revolutionary change in PDC bits occurred in the late 1980s after Amoco Production Co. identified bit whirl, an inefficient mode of drilling. New bit designs and changes in drilling parameters to combat bit whirl have drastically improved bit life and rate of penetration (ROP).

Cutters are no longer limited to a 13-mm round shape. They come in various sizes (8 mm to 19 mm) and shapes. A few companies have had success with dome shaped cutters.

In general, positive displacement mud motors last longer during drilling. Therefore, bits have to be robust to keep up.

As PDC bit design improves, the bits tend to drill longer intervals, and many can be used in several wells. In such cases, footage drilled per bit is more important than the number of bits used.

Even though PDC bits may be considered a specialty tool, their use is still governed in most instances by economics. The decision to run a PDC bit often focuses on cost per foot or total well cost.

Cost of the bit may be only about 2-3% of total well cost, yet the bit can affect up to three-fourths of the total cost.

Bit performance economics are measured in terms of cost per foot drilled. This involves factors such as bit cost, footage drilled, time spent drilling, trip time, and daily rig costs.

The use of dual powerhead motors, basically two positive displacement mud motors in tandem, has helped stabilize downhole torque. Other improvements in bottom hole assembly components have helped minimize torque and whirl problems.

One of the biggest limitations on high penetration rates is the need to avoid overheating the PDC. The PDC wafer and tungsten carbide base have different coefficients of thermal expansion, which can lead to cracking at high temperatures.

Round cutters with a buttress or beveled edge have significantly improved PDC bit performance in several areas. These cutters have worked well in applications in which cutting elements are subjected to high impact loads, such as in hard formations, dynamically unstable drilling, or highly interbedded formations.

PDC bits are most effective in very weak, poorly consolidated, brittle, hydratable sediments -- sands and silts, for example.

Advances in polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits have sharply increased penetration rates(31588 bytes) in oil and gas wells.

Some operators and manufacturers work together informally, usually to improve bit design by adding specific features to suit a given formation.