Some drill bits are made of high-speed steel (HSS). These bits are a bit more expensive than those made of low carbon steel.

You can even carry your drill to the store to try the bits before you buy them. This will help ensure you don’t make any mistakes.

Another big factor in choosing jewelry is the metal. Simply put buying domestic is by far better than importing. I'll explain why.

It’s important to ensure the bit you choose has exactly the same size as the hole you are going to make. Going for a bit that is a little bit larger than the hole you wish to create is also fine.

When selecting a drill bit, you have to consider the material it’s made of. There are masonry drills bits made of low carbon steel. These drill bits are cheap and can be used to drill soft surfaces.

Choosing the right body jewelry is ESSENTIAL to having a good quality piercing that will heal well and fast. Improperly fitted jewelry, jewelry with poor finish or poor metals, or jewelry with external threading can cause you many problems during the install and healing process of your piercing. If you find a piercer who does not use quality jewelry, does not have appropriate stock for sizing, or has externally threaded jewelry - please leave.

Consider the type of job you want to do; ensure the bit you choose is compatible with your drill; refer to your pilot chart to know the bit size and length needed; ensure you go for masonry drill bits and avoid the cheap ones.

If you’re dealing with hard concrete and natural stones, ordinary drill bits are not for you. Go for drill bits that have tungsten carbide or durum tips. They are usually stronger, more efficient, and penetrate hard surfaces better and faster than the typical drill bits.

In this piece, we are going to discuss tips that will help you pick drill bits that match your project needs. The tips will also help you avoid the mistakes that most buyers make when selecting masonry drill bits.

Regardless of the of the type drill bit you choose, the golden rule here is to ensure that you pick a drill bit that is made of a high-quality and durable material, which is coated with carbide, diamond powder or titanium carbon nitride.

Cheap bits are usually made of substandard material and have a history of overheating and shattering when subjected to pressure. Buying them is a waste of your hard earned money, not to mention that they can ruin or delay your project.

Let's take the same barbell from a high quality company. It costs us over 40x more to buy the same kind of jewelry, however it's high quality and it's attributes are verifiable. The difference is that you may pay $35 for a high quality barbell that will last a lifetime, is reusable, and heals well, vs paying $10 for a cheap barbell that will cost you discomfort, pain, and possibly scarification from your jewelry migrating and rejecting. If there are medical bills involved due to an infection, well add that in.

While some are meant for wood, others are specially designed for glass, metals, and masonry projects. Therefore, you want to ensure that the bit you pick is meant for masonry.


The choice of drill bit largely depends on the project at hand. If you’ll be drilling small holes into light concrete or artificial stones, you can go for any masonry drill bit.

Take a look at the pictures above to get a clear understanding of the difference between the two. The bar must pass through your fresh piercing in order to install it, and then again later when you remove it to clean after it's healed. The externally threaded jewelry has threads on the bar, causing tissue damage and pain every time it's inserted or removed. The Internally threaded jewelry has threading on the inside of the bar, allowing for smooth insertion.

Choosing a drill bit that matches your project’s needs can be confusing and time-consuming because of the diverse drill types available. It’s much more complicated than you might think.

These drill bits are effective in penetrating stones, concrete block, solid concrete, and other hard and soft materials found in the construction world.

The good news is that they rarely overheat and are highly durable. You can also use them to drill holes in timber is you need to.


If you do all this, you will be able to pick the right masonry drill bit every time you visit a drill bit store. Check out our drill bits for brick work or our products page for various tools and building supplies.

The first thing you should look for with jewelry is whether or not it is internally threaded or externally threaded. To make things easy, if your piercer has any externally threaded jewelry anywhere in the building, walk away. If they are trying to sell you externally threaded jewelry, RUN! If they have both you should still visit another studio as this piercer clearly doesn't have the integrity of installing only what is appropriate and ethical.

When it comes to length, there are standard lengths, but there also long masonry drill bits that range from 300 to 400 mm.

While there is a cost difference you should consider the repercussions of buying cheap. We often hear, and recently even received a review for our jewelry pricing. The client said that we were charging 5x more than what other studios charge and that we couldn't be their piercing studio because of this. We hope that this blog helps you understand the seriousness of choosing appropriate body jewelry and that comparing a high quality studio and high quality jewelry to imported Chinese jewelry is not comparing apples to apples. The jewelry selected is the foundation of your piercing. Don't short yourself.

MILL CERTIFICATES!!!! Jewelry companies are not required to provide mill certificates, but high quality companies do. A mill certificate is a certification that the metal used meets certain requirements. Do you ever have a piercer tell you that they have "implant grade stainless steel"?  If it was imported, chances are very good that it is not import grade and has a high nickel content. I've seen more people have issues with healing and local pain because of cheap "Implant grade stainless steel". American companies are reputable and well governed. If they make a claim that something they make is implant grade, then they must be able to back it up or they risk repercussions.

This will make your job easy and smooth. It’ll also help ensure that your drill will never be damaged by discordant drill bits.

You should, however, avoid bits made of substandard material regardless of the quality of concrete you’ll be drilling. They’ll overheat quickly and do a shoddy job.


You need to examine the drill bit shank and ensure it’ll be grasped perfectly by the chuck of your drill. However, choosing a drill bit that’s compatible with your drill does not necessarily mean that you have to buy bits of the same brand. No!

High quality jewelry costs significantly more than imported jewelry. You can go to websites such as and visit companies like Metal Mafia to get an idea of how cheap jewelry is made and costs. At these types of websites you can easily buy jewelry either by the pound or for an individual piece for next to nothing. This is why cheap studios will include jewelry in the price of their service. Let me give you an example. At these suppliers you can easily buy a "stainless steel barbell" for about .40. It's cheap. The type of piercer who would use this jewelry will either include it as part of their service to make you feel like you're getting a good value, or they will charge you $10. It's a heck of a deal for you until your piercing is infected, hurts, or heals incorrectly due to migration, rejection, or allergy.

Yes, it’s good to consider the price when buying drilling bits, but that does not mean that you should go for cheap bits.

The finish of your jewelry is extremely important. Imagine for a second what a piercing actually is... it is a hole being made in your body with a foreign object inserted. Your body is expected to accept the jewelry as a permanent fixture and to heal around it. As you can see from the picture above, there is a stark difference between the two pieces of jewelry above. One has an absolutely smooth mirror finish and the other has many knicks and scratches when looked at closely. Your body absolutely prefers the first. It's easier to heal, does not have anything for your body to "latch" onto as it heals, causes minor irritation, and does not provide for a place for bacteria to hide. The jewelry on the left also is easily processed using a steam autoclave. The steam can touch the entire surface and perform a "full biological kill", killing anything living on the surface. The jewelry on the right is the exact opposite. It will cause irritation as it heals. It provides small grooves for bacteria to grow. The jewelry on the right may also not be fully sterilize after being used in an autoclave because the metal has scratches and autoclave manufacturers will warn against this.

This is another important question that you should ask yourself. You should choose a drill bit that is compatible with your drill type.

If you go for a drill bit made of HSS, however, make sure it’s coated with carbide, diamond powder, or even titanium carbon nitride. This helps make it tough and good for masonry. The coating also helps reduce corrosion and wear.

In most instances, you’ll need a drill bit of standard length, but like we mentioned, there are longer bits if you need something longer.