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According to the Sub_type selected, The system will present the relevant sketch with its parameters, such as Axial Depth of Cut (As an example, we show here the parameters for a Solid Carbide Chamfering Endmill). The Effective Diameter will be calculated accordingly.

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Depending on the main type of cutter you selected on page four, The calculator will present you with the relevant Sub-Types. In total, the Milling Speeds and Feeds Calculator support 11 configurations!

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So we can see where there are problems. If many visitors leave our site during the purchase process while choosing the payment method, we know that something is wrong and can improve it. Sounds good, right? Thats good for You and good for us. So it´s a win-win situation. So let us accompany You on Your way through our store. Deal?

The Chip Load (Maximum chip thickness), is the largest chip that a cutting edge can handle without breaking and still maintain a decent tool-life. In the case of 90° cutters taking a radial depth of more than 50% of the cutter’s diameter, the chip load is exactly the Feed per Tooth. However, when the radial depth gets smaller, and the cutter is not a 90° shape, you can dramatically increase the feed without getting above the allowed Chip Load. The Milling Speed and Feed Calculator automatically calculated the right feed to keep the desired chip load. The calculator works in two stages:

Do you want to reach technical audience in the Machining Industry? Look no further! We have a massive audience of professionals, and our precise targeting ensures your message gets across exactly where it needs to be. Learn More

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