Can you use anend milltodrill ahole

Break your chip – don’t try to be a hero and blast through your hole in one go, program a quick retract to get the chip out and let the coolant in.

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How to useend mill in a drill press

If you’re making a very small hole, say, less than 1.5mm in diameter, go with a drill. End mills under 1.5mm become increasingly fragile, and subsequently cannot be run as aggressively, as a drill can be.

In observance of Christmas, DATRON Dynamics will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th, 2024. We will return to normal operations on Thursday, December 26th.

Milling machine

Are you making a lot of holes? Drilling is probably the way to go. In most instances, a drill will best the fastest time you can achieve with an end mill.

Need to make a big hole? Big holes need big drills and lots of horsepower, this is where helical milling shines. Use an end mill that’s 60-80% the diameter of the hole you’re making to quickly clear out while leaving plenty of room for chips to escape.

End Mill DrillBit

In observance of Thanksgiving, DATRON Dynamics will be closed on Thursday, November 28th, 2024. We will return to normal operations on Monday, December 2nd.

Need to make an extremely precise hole? While milling is typically perfectly acceptable, sometimes the tolerances require a drill and a reamer for the perfect finish.

Metal milling bits fordrill press

From prototype to production, DATRON Dynamics optimizes your entire machine workflow with touchscreen-enabled DATRON CNC machines. With headquarters located on the East Coast in Milford, New Hampshire, and an office in Livermore, California, we are your one-stop DATRON Partner in North America

Millbit fordrill press

Turn up the coolant – unless you have through tool coolant, you’re going to want to be sure to turn up the coolant flow and decrease your air pressure. The coolant needs to be able to flow into the hole during your retract. Learn more about DATRON tooling

Rapid prototyping? End mills will be appealing for their flexibility. Being adaptable to take on some features that may normally be drilled means you can spend less time CAMing a part and more time making chips.

Making lots of different size holes? Try to use the end mill, you’ll save time on tool changes and room in your tool changer.

If you need to make a very deep hole – in excess of 4x your hole diameter, choose the drill. Past this point, chip evacuation can become very difficult with an end mill, which will quickly wreck your tool and your part.
