1.5 mm MGMN150 insert Grooving Holder suitable to ... - 1 mm grooving insert
If you decide the tooling (e.g., if you are a programmer, process planner or industrial engineer), you have to know the naming convention thoroughly, as well as the logic behind selecting the shape and size of an insert.
Carbide insertcodes explained
What’s worse than having your bag disappear into the airline system ? Getting it, but after one of these happens to it:– In 2010, a waste pipe burst in London’s Heathrow airport, burying 240 suitcases in human waste.– Bags on the tarmac in an airport in the US were soaked in jet fuel.– Some bags caught fire in an airport (again in the US) because they were placed too close to the engine after unloading.
ISOinsert nomenclaturepdf
Inserts, those SMALL things that we use to cut material, have a BIG impact on our shop’s profitability. It makes sense to know ISO turning insert nomenclature. Here is a quick explanation that makes it easy to remember insert names.
Inserts are known by an ISO naming convention that describes their shape and size. Each alphabet and number in the name signifies an aspect of the insert’s shape or size. E.g., the first alphabet is the shape, while the last two numbers are the nose radius.
I saw this sad sight on the baggage carousel in Bangalore airport recently. A suitcase handle that had got detached from its parent bag, and was going round and round on its own.
Carbide insertgrade chart
CARBIDE insertChart pdf
Harvey [ hahr-vee ][1] is an English family name or boys name derived from the Old Breton name Huiarnviu. Harvey, a moniker with a long-standing presence, boasts a fascinating legacy. The name's roots can be traced back to Old English, denoting "battle worthy" or "strong in battle," derived from the words "here" for army and "wig" for battle. Initially, the name was utilized as a surname, awarded to individuals recognized for their valor and might in combat.[2] This name was ranked #420 on the US Popular Names in 2021.[3]
So what happens if your bag is among the 5 % that are lost forever ? You get a compensation, and the bag ends up unclaimed in some airport. Its contents are either auctioned off (here’s the auction site of IGI Airport, New Delhi) or given to charity.
I read recently that worldwide, 3 Cr. (30 million ) bags are lost every year. Of these, 95 % are retrieved by airlines and returned to their owners, which means they were just misdirected (sent to the wrong destination – the passenger going one way and the baggage another), while 5 % are actually lost. The causes: Not loaded on your aircraft at all, tagging error, someone else taking away your bag thinking its his/hers, mishandling on arrival (like being put on the wrong baggage carousal)..
If you’re a big shot, just learn the meaning of the parameters marked in red in the above picture, to impress the gang with your knowledge of ISO turning insert nomenclature.